Thursday, July 18, 2013

Smile For The Camera...

Sorry for the absence but I've been a busy little bee recently settling into my new job. Blogging has taken a bit of a back seat while I adjust to the 6.30am starts Monday to Friday but now, two weeks in, it's time to get back to it!

If you saw my Throwback Thursday post, you will know that my bedroom has had a bit of an update. It's nothing major, just a little spruce bringing it into a more 'sophisticated' realm seeing as it was originally decorated when I was 13! It involved creating a feature wall with some Laura Ashley wallpaper and getting a few new bits of furniture. The main thing that I've done accessories wise is making a photo wall. 

For my 21st, my uni housemates bought me a photo frame that holds 12 photos from Next. When I went in there a few weeks ago, I saw that they still had them and inspiration struck! I bought two more of these frames, one in black and one in white, so that I had three in total to create my photo wall. The frame the girls got me is full of photos from my three years at uni, whilst the other two contain pictures of my school friends and family. 

I'm really happy with the frames and my wall. I love photos and being able to display them; they are the perfect way to remind me of all my favourite people.


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