Monday, August 05, 2013

Eradicating Eczema...

All my life I have suffered with eczema. When I was little it got so bad that my parents took me to a homeopath as prescribed creams weren't working. She suggested that I change my diet (replace cow’s milk with sheep’s milk etc) and gave me a herbal remedy. Luckily, what she suggested worked and my eczema pretty much cleared up and I've gone back to eating what I want.

Every now and again however, I still get flare ups. If I’m particularly stressed or there’s a dramatic change in the weather (like now) patches of eczema appear on my hands and the back of my legs. For the past few years, I have been going to the doctor and getting a steroid cream prescribed. Obviously whilst this clears up the eczema, it isn't necessarily the best solution as it is a strong cream and can cause damage to your skin when used in the long run – I've noticed that the parts of my legs prone to eczema no longer tan as the steroid cream has damaged the skin. Also, in the recent months, I've noticed that the cream hasn't been working as effectively as it has done in the past.

By complete coincidence, I have stumbled across a miracle worker. To cut a long story short, my sister orders her sun cream online and with her last order they threw in a little freebie. Enter Barefoot SOS a cream that states it is for extremely dry and sensitive skin prone to eczema. I've used this cream for the last week on my eczema patches and they have improved so much more than when I've used my prescribed cream! And what makes this little tube of delightfulness even better is that it is made with completely natural ingredients so no more damaged skin! The ingredients also give the cream a nice scent, one that I can only describe as lemon with a hint of herb (honestly it smells a lot better than my poor attempt at describing it!).

I would highly recommend anyone with eczema to give this cream a try - for £5.95 you can’t really go wrong!


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